What is the robust housing category under the NDIS SDA?

The “Robust” housing category under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to a level of housing design that is specifically intended to meet the needs of individuals with complex behaviours or high levels of physical aggression or self-injury.

The Robust design category includes features and modifications that enhance the safety and security of the accommodation, reduce the risk of harm to the resident and others, and support the effective delivery of support services. Some of the features commonly found in Robust SDA properties may include:

Secure and Durable Construction: Robust housing is typically constructed using materials and building techniques that are resilient and resistant to damage. This may include reinforced walls, doors, and windows to withstand impact.

Safety Features: Robust SDA properties are equipped with safety features to mitigate risks associated with challenging behaviours. This may include secure locks on doors and windows, non-breakable fixtures and fittings, and fire safety measures.

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Restrictive Practices Equipment : In some cases, Robust SDA properties may include equipment or fixtures to support the implementation of restrictive practices, such as seclusion or restraint, when necessary to manage behaviours that pose a risk of harm.

Staff Support Infrastructure: Robust housing may incorporate features to support staff in the delivery of support services, such as designated staff areas, communication systems, and observation points.

Environmental Design: The layout and design of Robust SDA properties are often optimized to minimize triggers for challenging behaviours and promote calm and safety. This may include clear sightlines, noise reduction measures, and sensory-friendly environments.

The Robust housing category is intended for individuals with complex support needs who require a high level of supervision and intervention to manage challenging behaviours effectively. It is designed to provide a safe and supportive living environment that maximizes the individual’s quality of life while ensuring the safety and well-being of themselves and others in the community.